Retiring and getting older

Some common questions about Elder Law:

It is a legal document in which you appoint the person or trustee organisation of your choice to manage your property and financial affairs while you are still alive. This may be because you can no longer manage them yourself or because you choose not to for any reason. You don’t lose control of your affairs – you can still manage them if you wish to, and you can revoke the Power of Attorney at any time.

This is where you appoint someone to manage your personal affairs when you can no longer make these decisions for yourself. These decisions might include where you live, what healthcare you receive, and consent to medical or dental treatment.

Making a Will is the only way you can be sure that what you own will be distributed in accordance with your wishes after you die. In the absence of a Will, the Court will appoint an administrator to deal with your estate, which will be distributed according to intestacy rules. These prioritise the beneficiaries according to different classes. For example, if there is no surviving spouse or children, they prescribe who the estate will then pass to such as siblings, half-siblings, other relatives etc.

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Legal challenges can feel confusing, even intimidating, but we know what you’re going through, we know the legal terrain, we view your case individually, and we can offer the care, reassurance and expertise to guide you every step of the way.

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We’ll always be honest and upfront. We’ll look you straight in the eye and agree on a plan before moving forward.
We know the ropes and our professionals have expertise specific to every legal situation—many are Accredited Specialists.
We speak clearly and directly, so you understand our advice and can make decisions with confidence.
We’re local to wherever you are, and our offices are owned and operated by friendly, local professionals, proud of their communities.
We genuinely care about our clients. It’s the core of who we are and has been since the first practice was opened by ER Stack on the NSW Mid-North Coast in 1931.
We make the process easy for you with the latest tech to keep services cost effective—and you in control.


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