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school duty of care, school, duty of care, legal, attack, unprovoked attack, bashed, supervision, monitoring, violent, breach, damages, school grounds, school hours, safety, office, bus, plaintiff, medical, psychological, injury
19 Mar 2025

Court finds school’s duty of care extends beyond school gate

The NSW Supreme Court recently ruled that a school had failed in its legal duty of care for a 14-year-old boy after he suffered an unprovoked attack, even though it occurred outside school hours and beyond the school grounds. Student attacked outside school gate after end of school day The former Sydney schoolboy won $1.75 […]
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assault and battery, assault, speed camera, speed camera operator, attack, vigilante, vigilantism, unprovoked, corrections officer, damages, compensation, workers compensation, pain, suffering, aggravated damages, grievous bodily harm, injury, physical, psychological
13 Mar 2025

Speed camera operator awarded $401K for assault and battery in vigilante attack

A man who committed assault and battery against a speed camera operator was ordered by a court to pay his victim $401,265 in damages. Assault and battery due to mistaken belief The NSW District Court heard the unprovoked attack happened in a car park in the town of Oberon, when the attacker mistakenly decided that […]
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farm injuries, farm, farming, hazard, accident, injury, injured, safety, work health and safety, workplace, WHS, quad bike, vehicle, animal handling, biosecurity, machinery, electrical, tree, worker, stablehand, cattle, horse, bull, Safework NSW, farm worker, industrial manslaughter
12 Mar 2025

Farm injuries show safety must be taken seriously

Farm injuries are unfortunately quite common – farming can be a dangerous occupation. Work on farms accounts for one in every five workplace deaths in NSW, with quad bikes, heavy vehicles, animal handling, biosecurity hazards, machinery, tree accidents and electrical work among the most common hazards. Farm injuries report demonstrates need for farm work safety […]
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owners corporation death, owners corporation, body corporate, conviction, convicted, death, worker, industrial accident, strata, gate, electric gate, industrial gate, work health and safety, WHS, OHS, serious injury, SafeWork, workplace safety, common property, compensation
07 Mar 2025

Strata owners corporation convicted over site death

A strata owners corporation of commercial premises was recently convicted in the NSW District Court after a damaged heavy gate fell on a worker, resulting in his death. First conviction of owners corporation for failing to prevent industrial accident SafeWork NSW, which brought the court action, said it was the first conviction of an owners […]
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police PTSD, police, PTSD, PTSI, post traumatic stress disorder, post traumatic stress injury, NSW, compensation, workers compensation, workers comp, claim, officer, trauma
06 Mar 2025

Police PTSD compensation claims

Police deal with terrible traumatic incidents in the course of their work, which can lead to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  Not only do they investigate violent crimes, where they are often first on the scene of gruesome murders, but many also face personal threats or attacks by angry or deranged members of the public. […]
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accident NSW Queensland, NSW, Queensland, vehicle accident, motor vehicle accident, Gold Coast, road rules, state, interstate, CTP, insurance, Compulsory Third Party, injury, claim, compensation, personal injury, lawyer
16 Jan 2025

Differences between NSW and Queensland for a vehicle accident or injury compensation claim

Adjusting your watch for daylight saving isn’t the only thing to remember when you cross the border from NSW to Queensland, or vice versa – particularly if you are involved in an accident. What you need to do in NSW and Queensland following an accident If you have a vehicle accident in NSW resulting in […]
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nurses back injury, nurse, nursing, back injury, rotator cuff injury, tendonitis, tendinitis, risk, manual handling, emergency, TPD, total and permanent disability, lump sum payment, loss of earnings, economic loss, treatment, compensation, workers compensation, claim, injury.
10 Jan 2025

Increased pressure on nurses leads to back injury, rotator cuff injury and tendonitis

Back pain is one of the most common injuries for nurses and paramedics, often caused by hurriedly lifting patients or equipment in high-pressure settings. This can lead to a lower back injury strain, rotator cuff injuries and tendonitis. Slips, trips and falls also contribute to these injuries. Nurses dealing with staffing shortages, increased workloads and […]
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emergency service workers compensation, exempt worker, emergency services, workers comp, police, paramedic, firefighter, lump sum payment, weekly benefit, medical expense, physical injury, trauma, illness, injury, whole person impairment
09 Jan 2025

NSW emergency service workers have their own set of workers compensation rights

NSW emergency service workers like paramedics, police and firefighters who want to claim workers compensation for a work-related injury or illness come under different laws and rules to other workers. Emergency service workers classified as “exempt workers” NSW police, paramedics and firefighters are classified as what are referred to as “exempt workers” and are not […]
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unidentified vehicle, vehicle, accident, motor vehicle, motor accident, motor vehicle accident, injury, injured, personal injury, Nominal Defendant, compensation, claim, police, hit and run, rehabilitation, medical, income, witness, evidence
09 Jan 2025

What if I was injured by an unidentified vehicle?

Help! I’ve been hit by an unidentified vehicle. It didn’t stop and I didn’t get the number plate. I landed in hospital with severe injuries that will take a long time to heal – if ever. Can I still get compensation if I’m hit by an unidentified vehicle? I can’t identify the vehicle that hit […]
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police insurance, police, NSW police, lump sum, police force, TPD, PBRI, EPSS, total and permanent, disablement, disability, superannuation, coverage, insurance, terminal illness, death, income protection, death benefit, medical expenses, rehabilitation, home modification, PTSD, anxiety, mental health
25 Sep 2024

NSW police insurance scheme ends lump sum payments for TPD

Starting 1 October 2024, police insurance arrangements in NSW are changing. Police Blue Ribbon Insurance (PBRI) is being replaced by the Enhanced Police Support Scheme (EPSS), which introduces changes to Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) coverage for officers. What is Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance? TPD insurance is often included as default cover in […]
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sexual harassment, workplace, work health and safety, WHS, Respect at Work, employer, employee, PCBU, sex discrimination, victim, hostile, prevention, reasonably practicable
26 Mar 2024

New laws preventing and addressing sexual harassment in Australian workplaces

Recently there has been a lot of publicity about new Commonwealth laws, taking effect toward the end of 2023, aimed at preventing and addressing sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. Recurring themes in this publicity are the stimulus for these laws, the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report (2020); and the phrase […]
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industrial manslaughter, negligent, negligence, boss, employer, liable, penalty, death, scaffolding, workplace, construction, safety, worker, employee
08 Mar 2024

Negligent bosses in NSW to face 20 years in jail for industrial manslaughter

Employers found liable for industrial manslaughter could face up to 20 years in jail under tough new negligence laws to come into operation in NSW in 2024. New industrial manslaughter laws following worksite deaths NSW Industrial Relations Minister Sophie Cotsis has said she will bring in new industrial manslaughter laws which will significantly increase penalties […]
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driverless cars, self driving car, automated vehicle, autonomous vehicle, vehicle, car, truck, road, driver, safety, pedestrian, swerve, crash, brakes, computer, law, public road, National Transport Commission, NRMA, accident, traffic, highway
13 Jun 2023

Driverless cars are coming – but whose fault will it be when they crash?

Are driverless cars safe? We know that driverless cars are coming. So imagine the future, when you get into your driverless car, set the controls to take you home, sit back and relax as the autonomous vehicle sets off down the road. You are in the driver’s seat, but your hands aren’t on the steering […]
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sacked on probation, sacked, probation, dismissed, unfair dismissal, employer, employee, employment, Fair Work Act, ombudsman, wages, entitlements, notice
10 Nov 2022

Can I be sacked on probation?

“Can I be legally sacked on probation? I thought I’d have to be caught stealing from the office, dodging work or really stuffing up an assignment, but no, I was fired for no reason at all. Is that legal?” Is it legal to be sacked on probation? The short answer is yes – you can […]
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electric scooters, scooter, e-scooter, trial, NSW, law, commute, road rules, pedestrian, safety, rider, cycle path, road, footpath, insurance, accident, injure
03 Nov 2022

Electric scooters a legal grey area as trial conducted in NSW

Visit any city in Europe nowadays and you will be astonished at the number of electric scooters zipping around carrying one or even two people, at speeds up to 25 kph. Men and women in office clothing commute to work on them. Teenagers ride them to school. At night glammed-up folk scooter off to parties […]
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Roe v Wade, trigger laws, Dobbs v Jackson, USA, Constitution, amendment, Supreme Court, abortion, ban, overturn, precedent, lobbyist, anti-abortion, Bill of Rights, due process
26 Jul 2022

Roe v Wade overturned – will it set a precedent for Australian law?

Roe v Wade establishes constitutional protection for abortion in 1973 If you had recently asked someone about the significance of the US Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v Jackson Womens’ Health Organisation, you’d likely get a blank look. But if you had referred to “the case that overturned Roe v Wade”, it would be quite […]
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electronic surveillance, privacy, productivity, boss, worker, employer, employee, work from home, Covid, pandemic, workplace surveillance, tracking, computer, camera, monitor, covert, technology
02 Mar 2022

Can your boss use electronic surveillance to monitor you when you’re working from home?

We know the boss can monitor everything we do in the workplace, whether they do it in person or via electronic surveillance. They can keep tabs on your computer use, time spent in the tearoom, smoko breaks and long boozy lunches. They can also track websites you’ve visited, chats with colleagues or phone calls to […]
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duty of care to employees, employer, employee, risk, workplace, workplace injury, plaintiff, defendant, health and safety, premises, Civil Liability Act, foreseeable, precautions, negligent, compensation
15 Feb 2022

Failure to meet duty of care to employees costs employer $120,000 for rolled ankle

Sometimes it’s much wiser to agree to a worker’s reasonable request than risk breaching your duty of care to employees, which could land you in a court battle. This is the scenario that played out for a Canberra employer, whose receptionist rolled her ankle while rushing to answer the office phone. The employer was taken […]
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