18 Dec 2024
Deed of family arrangement could protect your estate after de facto separation
When it comes to separating in New South Wales, the law distinguishes between married couples and de facto relationships. This can have significant implications for those involved in a de facto relationship if their relationship ends and there are concerns over protecting the estate from future claims from the other party. Navigating separation and family […]
Read the full story10 Dec 2024
Cyberstalking on the rise with technological advances
Separation from a partner can be one of the most dangerous times for a woman in an abusive relationship, and the phenomenon of cyberstalking has increased the variety of ways an abuser can intimidate their former partner. Cyberstalking considered stalking under the law With the wide use and constant innovation of technology, it comes as […]
Read the full story16 Oct 2024
Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote?
For the first time, 16-year-olds in Europe were allowed to vote in the June 2024 election for the European parliament, and they turned out in droves. Where can 16-year-olds vote? Sixteen-year-olds can vote in a number of countries, including Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Germany, Malta, Nicaragua and Scotland. Now there is a […]
Read the full story19 Sep 2024
You’ve had a windfall and won lotto! To keep it you’d best get expert advice
Hooray, you’ve won the lottery! Now you can pursue your dreams. But beware, there are legal and emotional pitfalls with a sudden windfall such as a lottery win, large inheritance, compensation payment or redundancy payout which could turn that dream into a nightmare. Unexpected windfall can lead to emotional and behavioural problems There is even […]
Read the full story25 Jul 2024
Sperm donors, parental responsibility and financial obligations in NSW
Every year in Australia about 3,000 babies are born as a result of using sperm donors. But there is a shortage of donors, and fertility clinics and IVF providers have appealed for more sperm and egg donors. Laws concerning sperm donors have changed over the years According to the 2021 Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority […]
Read the full story27 Jun 2024
Coercive control is now a crime
Coercive control is a frequently hidden form of domestic abuse that includes physical, sexual, psychological, emotional and financial abuse of one individual by another. Figures show coercive control a significant problem The Bureau of Statistics figures on domestic abuse are shocking. One in four women and one in eight men have experienced domestic violence by […]
Read the full story30 May 2024
Can an adopted child challenge the will of adoptive parents?
Adoptive parent assumes all rights and responsibilities once child is adopted Under the NSW Adoption Act 2000, any adoption or order made by a court transfers all legal rights and responsibilities from the biological parent of the adopted child to the child’s adoptive parent. Further, section 95 states that the child has the same rights […]
Read the full story01 May 2024
Is it legal to use a surrogate mother to have a child in Australia?
In Australia hundreds, if not thousands, of babies have been born as a result of surrogacy arrangements, where a person or couple arranges for a surrogate mother to bear them a child. Pope calls for a ban on “surrogate motherhood” The Pope recently placed surrogacy in the spotlight when he called for a worldwide ban […]
Read the full story10 Apr 2024
How quickly can I get a divorce?
One year of separation required before applying for divorce “I want to get a divorce as quickly as possible. What can I do to speed things up?” Many people want to get divorced as soon as they can, so they can move on with their life. But there are legal matters you should consider before […]
Read the full story19 Oct 2023
Trouble at the bank of mum and dad – the horror story edition on family loans
Unaffordable housing leads to reliance on bank of mum and dad As Australia continues to rank among the least affordable markets for housing globally, it is becoming increasingly difficult for young people and other aspiring first-home owners to buy a property. Consequently, the “bank of mum and dad” is as popular as ever. However, there […]
Read the full story02 Aug 2023
Where does my superannuation go when I die?
The average amount Australians have in superannuation is $147,000. Many of course have far more, so it is important to make sure it is inherited by the person or persons you want to receive the benefit of your life’s savings. Is superannuation included in my will? The most important thing to remember about superannuation is […]
Read the full story13 Jul 2023
High Court rules it’s not “break and enter” if the intruder’s name is on the lease
Ex-partner accused of break and enter In a recent case involving a break and enter charge, woman was terrified when her former boyfriend kicked down the front door, breaking three locks, forced his way into the apartment, shook her and threw her phone to the floor when she tried to call police. The two had […]
Read the full story05 Jul 2023
Disclosure requirements in family law – what am I meant to provide?
Disclosure plays a critical role in family law proceedings in Australia. The term refers to the process of providing information and documents relevant to a case to the other party and the court. It is designed to ensure that everyone has access to the necessary information to make informed decisions and achieve a fair outcome. […]
Read the full story01 Jun 2023
What on earth is a divorce doula?
Going through a divorce can be a challenging, complex and emotionally draining process. In recent years, a new phenomenon has emerged to help people navigate divorce with support and guidance – the divorce doula. However, while the support provided may be invaluable from an emotional perspective, it is important to remember that divorce doulas are […]
Read the full story21 Apr 2023
Guilty or not guilty – could computers replace judges in a court of law?
Weighing up the pros and cons of a case, discarding irrelevancies, assessing the likelihood of statements being the truth or a lie… it’s all in a day’s work for a judge in a court. But could computers replace judges, if programmed correctly? Could a computer weigh the evidence and decide whether the defendant is guilty […]
Read the full story14 Mar 2023
Focus on best interests of the child in planned changes to family law
Australia’s family law is facing substantial changes under federal government plans to amend the 1975 Family Law Act, with the new Family Law Amendment Bill to put the best interests of the child at the centre. Best interests of the child to be central to family law system Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has released for consultation […]
Read the full story21 Feb 2023
Someone vanishes – how long before they can be declared dead?
Someone disappears. Years go by and they are still missing. There is no message, no letter, nothing to indicate whether they are still alive. No body is found. Families are in limbo. Can their partner legally remarry? When can the missing person legally be declared dead, their will enacted and their assets distributed? Can someone […]
Read the full story30 Nov 2022
Coercive control to be a crime in NSW and Queensland
Both NSW and Queensland are expected to criminalise coercive control by the end of 2022 following parliamentary inquiries in both states. The move aims to strengthen measures to combat domestic violence, particularly as coercive control typically precedes intimate partner homicide. What is coercive control? NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman said the government was consulting on introducing […]
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