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waterfront land, waterfront, waterway, controlled activities, ecosystem, downstream, Water Management Act, rocks, sand, gravel, boulders, plants, bridge, road, sea wall, erosion, control, channel, re-alignment
12 Dec 2024

Work on waterfront land requires approval

It is an offence to carry out “controlled activities” on waterfront land without an approval. This refers to construction work and also to clearing or depositing rocks, sand or plants. What is considered waterfront land? Waterfront land is defined as the bed of a waterway and the land 40 metres from the mean high bank. […]
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illegal building works, unapproved works, illegal structure, property, building, buyer, purchase, seller, local council, council, consent, compliant, regulations, environment, planning, safety standard, neighbour, boundary, approval, strata scheme, owners corporation, DA, development application, Complying Development Certificate, CDC, BASIX, exempt development, complying development, home extension, structure, certification, modification, rescind, completed works
31 Oct 2024

Illegal building works – the horror story edition

Illegal building works create obstacles in property transactions Property prices have soared in recent years, making real estate one of the most significant investments that most Australians will ever make. Whether buying or selling a property, the last thing anyone wants is to encounter unexpected legal or financial hurdles due to illegal building works. Unapproved […]
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16-year-olds vote, 17-year-olds, vote, voter, voting, teenager, parliament, election, law, discrimination, youth, young people, right to vote, Make It 16, no taxation without representation, enrolment, disenfranchised, policy
16 Oct 2024

Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote?

For the first time, 16-year-olds in Europe were allowed to vote in the June 2024 election for the European parliament, and they turned out in droves. Where can 16-year-olds vote? Sixteen-year-olds can vote in a number of countries, including Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Germany, Malta, Nicaragua and Scotland. Now there is a […]
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Ned Kelly, colonial history, cultural heritage, history, colonialism, terra nullius, Indigenous, tourism, Glenrowan, Yorta Yorta, bushranger, pioneer, settler
19 Sep 2024

Cultural heritage and colonial history – should Ned Kelly’s descendants have a claim on his story?

The recent Victorian Supreme Court case of Ned Kelly Centre Ltd v Australian Rail Track Corporation [2023] VSC 421 asks the question of whether a familial connection to land is enough to trigger Victoria’s human rights laws to stop the development of a tourist facility. A second question arises: does Australia’s patchwork human rights legislation […]
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tenant rights, rent increase, rental increase, rental property, landlord, tenant, renter, Residential Tenancies Act, repairs, property owner, obligation, Civil and Administrative Tribunal, fit for habitation
31 Jul 2024

Tenant rights, rental increases and property repairs

There is mould creeping up the walls of the property you are renting. The kitchen ceiling is dripping. Loungeroom floorboards are broken. The bedroom window is smashed. The garden fence is falling apart. The toilet won’t flush and the shower is leaking. What are your tenant rights to get things fixed in the property you […]
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environmental crime, environment, environmental law, protection, polluter, pollution, anti-pollution, Environment Protection Authority, clean-up notice, asbestos, mulch, chemicals, recycling, name and shame, disposal, waste, penalty
24 May 2024

Tougher penalties for environmental crime now in force in NSW

The recent discovery of asbestos-contaminated mulch across Sydney has highlighted the fact that NSW’s existing environmental laws do little to protect our surroundings from environmental crime and fail to deter would-be offenders and polluters. New legislation increases penalties for environmental crime Put simply, the existing penalties for committing an environmental crime in NSW were shamefully […]
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data collection, privacy, personal information, landlord, tenant, cyberattack, cyber attack, cybersecurity, cyber breach, identity theft, rental property, background check, residential tenancy agreement, Residential Tenancies Act
10 May 2024

Data collection by landlords – what can they legally ask a tenant?

With cybersecurity breaches on the rise, people are becoming increasingly worried about data collection by companies and wondering how secure their personal information is. Data collection demands from real estate agents As the nationwide shortage of rental properties continues unabated, prospective tenants are facing increasing demands from landlords and their agents for more and more […]
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payment redirection, scam, Scamwatch, scammer, hacker, email, email scam, business email compromise, payment, money
03 Apr 2024

Protect yourself against payment redirection scams

According to the latest figures from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, in 2022 Australians lost more than $3 billion to scammers, including losses due to payment redirection scams – and that is only the losses that were reported to the ACCC. How common are payment redirection scams? As house prices soar, scammers are employing […]
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coal mines, coal, gas, climate change, environment, ECoCeQ, Plibersek, Narrabri, Hunter Valley, emissions, mines, anthropogenic, net zero, threatened species, fossil fuel, fossil fuel projects
29 Feb 2024

Court says coal mines can be approved without considering climate change

In a significant legal blow to environmentalists, in 2023 the Federal Court ruled that the federal environment minister does not have to consider climate change when approving coal mines. Environmental group claims minister did not consider climate change The Environment Council of Central Queensland (ECoCeQ) mounted a legal challenge to minister Tanya Plibersek’s assessment of […]
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water use, water access, water management, water law, Water Act, Water Management Act, Dam Safety Act, Water NSW Regulation, groundwater, pump, bore, dam, weir, irrigation channel, levee, dewatering, Water Access Licence, domestic use, stock watering, river, lake, estuary
24 Jan 2024

“Is it legal for me to pump water from the river?” – laws governing water use in NSW

Water security challenges loom as groundwater and river systems under threat Australia is a dry continent, and it is only getting drier. The country’s largest river and groundwater systems are under threat. As competing interests assert their right to water access, it is important to understand the laws governing water use. Regional towns and industries […]
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Sending an innocent emoji in a text message could land you in court, because the law could see it as a threat or an acceptance of a contract.
30 Nov 2023

How an emoji can land you in court

We often add an emoji to our emails and text messages to bring a bit of levity to otherwise dull communications, but beware – icons such as the thumbs up, smiley face or gun could land you in trouble with the law. Legal impact of using emojis An emoji is an image used in texting […]
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bank of mum and dad, BOMAD, bank of dad, loan, gift, family loan, financial support, property, mortgage, cost of living, Centrelink, age pension, guarantor, borrowing capacity, credit score, security, documented, divorce, Deed, verbal agreement
19 Oct 2023

Trouble at the bank of mum and dad – the horror story edition on family loans

Unaffordable housing leads to reliance on bank of mum and dad As Australia continues to rank among the least affordable markets for housing globally, it is becoming increasingly difficult for young people and other aspiring first-home owners to buy a property. Consequently, the “bank of mum and dad” is as popular as ever. However, there […]
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03 May 2023

Electronic signature needs to be seen when signing

Electronic signing of documents grew enormously during the Covid lockdowns, but now questions have been raised about how an electronic signature, created with the press of a button, is properly witnessed under law. What is an electronic signature? Software such as DocuSign can be used to add a signature to a document electronically by pressing […]
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Rights of Nature, natural world, environment, natural environment, climate change, climate catastrophe, personhood, legal rights, law, animals, plants, Animal Welfare Act, Whanganui River, Ganges River, Murray Darling Basin, Great Barrier Reef, Blue Mountains, rivers
30 Mar 2023

“Rights of nature” redefining humanity’s place in the natural world

The looming climate catastrophe has engendered the “Rights of Nature” movement, which strives to redefine the relationship between humanity and the world we inhabit. The natural world is arguably recognised as a living entity with legal “personhood” and the same rights as humans to be protected, survive and thrive. Climate change and ecological deterioration Chances […]
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smoking on balconies, smoking, smoker, non-smoker, apartment, balcony, strata, Strata Schemes Management Act, common property, owners corporation, nuisance, hazard, health, tribunal
22 Feb 2023

Smoking on balconies and the law

Smoking on balconies is the cause of many apartment block disputes. Recently a non-smoking couple took their downstairs neighbours to court to prevent them from smoking on the balcony below. After a protracted dispute, the non-smokers won. Complaint that smoking on balconies affects health and wellbeing A Kingscliff couple took their smoking neighbours who lived […]
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raise the rent, rental increase, landlord, tenant, NCAT, lease, evict, eviction, month to month, negotiate, object, excessive, property, higher rent, rent
01 Dec 2022

How much can the landlord raise the rent?

With inflation pushing up interest rates and mortgage costs, many tenants are anxious that their landlord wants to raise the rent. It’s important for both landlords and tenants to know the law regarding rental increases. When can a landlord raise the rent? The landlord can’t raise the rent for tenants who are on a fixed-term […]
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Exclusion Register, STRA, short term, rental accommodation, guest, host, neighbour, letting, renting, code of conduct, Fair Trading, common property, strata, property
01 Nov 2022

Bad short-term renters and hosts in NSW can now go on Exclusion Register

There is good news for neighbours of rowdy, poorly managed short-term rental accommodation in NSW, with a new Exclusion Register to prevent guests and hosts with two serious breaches of the Code of Conduct in a two-year period, from participating in the industry. What is the Exclusion Register? Since August 2022, bad renters and bad […]
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selling a property, buyer, deposit, due diligence, finance, contract, cooling off period, property, real estate agent, seller, settlement
06 Oct 2022

Selling a property in NSW – the buyer, the seller, the lawyer and the real estate agent

Selling a property, or buying one, usually involves a buyer (purchaser), a seller (vendor), a lawyer (solicitor) or conveyancer, and a real estate agent. Each of these people has a role to play for the transaction to be completed smoothly, without unnecessary drama or grief. Problems can often arise when one of these people underestimates […]
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