Stacks Law Firm, Blue Mountains is a member of the Stacks network, which makes it unique in the Blue Mountains in having access to the expertise and experience of over 90 lawyers from more than 20 offices across NSW and Queensland. As a result, lawyers in the firm are able to draw upon a broad base of knowledge while providing the personal service of a small family firm.
Rita Fisher founded the firm in 2007 and was its principal until July 2023. Under Rita’s stewardship, the firm became part of the Blue Mountains community, providing expert legal services in family law, conveyancing, wills and probate, business disputes and general small business advice.
Since August 2023 the firm has come under the experienced leadership of Anneka Frayne, who has worked extensively in family law, commercial litigation, wills, probate and conveyancing.
Working from a regional base, Anneka has developed extensive knowledge of rural property transactions and the additional factors which need to be considered, such as access, water rights, enclosure permits and mining applications.
Having helped clients in damages disputes in a range of jurisdictions, including the property division of the Supreme Court, the Probate division, the District Court, NCAT, as well as the Local Court, Supreme Court and Federal Court, Anneka has the experience to continue to serve the Blue Mountains community and meet its legal needs.
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